Giving perspective
I am writing to support Jackie Matts for Bennington Select Board. Jackie has lived in Bennington her entire adult life and has contributed to our town in many ways.
From volunteering at community events like Garlic Town to taking on a leadership role at Queer Connect to chairing the Town Charter Review Committee, Jackie is always finding ways to improve Bennington and enrich the lives of the people who live here.
As a younger candidate, she offers a perspective seldom represented in our town’s government. She understands the urgent need to increase affordable housing and access for family-supporting jobs to make Bennington more vibrant and attractive for younger populations. But Jackie is not so young that she hasn’t had time to acquire the leadership skills and experience needed to effectively perform as a Select Board member. I find this a unique combination that makes Jackie stand out from the rest.
But our town has three open spots this year. Each needs to be filled with a candidate that has our town’s best interests at heart. Luckily, there are other candidates running besides Jackie that can bring the common sense, commitment and civility that our Select Board desperately needs—specifically Tom Haley and Jim Sullivan. Whether you vote in every election or have never cast a ballot, I urge you to take the time this year to do your research and show up on March 4th. I will be there, and one of my three votes will be for Jackie Matts.
Kristi Pepoon Bennington
Be familiar with ballots and candidates
We are coming up on our annual Town Meeting elections once again. I encourage all of my neighbors to take some time to familiarize yourselves with the ballot articles and the candidates. Bennington has made some great strides in the last decade and has plenty of challenges to address in the near and long future. We have several strong and constructive candidates running for the select board seats and other boards who are up to the task. I am especially excited about the chance to have Jackie Matts on the Bennington Select Board. People with Jackie’s extensive background, vision and intelligence are an opportunity we should not miss. Please vote March 4, or stop in Town Offices and vote early, and support our town and our schools. Thank you!
Sincerely, Greg Van Houten Bennington
SB Forum empowering
At a time when our federal government is being gutted at warp speed, from USAID to the Department of Education—two agencies that embody American values to the core — attending the Select Board Forum on Feb. 17 felt strangely empowering. Maybe that’s because the Bennington Theater, which generously hosted the event, had a solid turnout given the evening’s sketchy weather. Or maybe because it felt good to bear witness to the democratic process in action, knowing that the outcome of the upcoming Bennington Select Board election on March 4 will also have a real impact on town residents.
During the forum, we heard candidates’ ideas for assuring that residents have access to accurate and timely information about the town government and its activities. We also heard their thoughts on the Benn Hi redevelopment project, ways to make downtown safer and more vibrant, voting rights for members of the local Afghan refugee community, and supporting tourism efforts.
One topic in particular — addressing vacant and abandoned properties in town — was of particular concern, and I was especially pleased to hear from Select Board candidates Tom Haley, Jackie Matts and Jim Sullivan, who shared well-thought ideas for tackling this important issue in our town.
As a relatively new homeowner who lives next door to a longtime vacant house, I’d love to see the town work with the necessary partners to breathe new life into these once cherished properties. Doing so now can only do good for Bennington’s future.
Greg Shook Bennington