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We are fortunate to have a number of strong candidates running for Select Board who support the potential and growth of Bennington. Who we choose in this election will determine whether we keep moving forward or whether we stagnate. Three candidates stand out for me. They are Jim Sullivan and Jackie Matts as new board members and Tom Haley as the incumbent.
This was not an easy decision as there are people running who I admire and who I consider friends. However, we need to elect experienced members who can make sure that government works for us. We need Select Board members who understand the importance of state and federal partners to lift up what we can do as a community. It is critical that we support candidates who volunteer their time to build Bennington and have experience working with town and state government.
Tom Haley has shown himself to be a solid, thoughtful, and experienced Select Board member, Jackie Matts ably chaired the Town’s Charter Review committee and has led Queer Connect in taking on a significant role in our community, and Jim Sullivan, who after years of leading the Bennington County Regional Commission, has dedicated thousands of hours to creating and improving outdoor recreation and supporting collaborations between town and state economic development entities. Jim, Jackie and Tom will respect the excellent Bennington town staff and keep us moving forward. Please vote for Tom Haley, Jackie Matts, and Jim Sullivan for Select Board on March 4.
Jeannie Jenkins